Risk Management

Managing Operational and Enterprise Risk

Using a standards-based methodology, BCS is your Right Source Solution for understanding the broad spectrum of risks facing you organization to ensure they are properly managed and your organization is protected from loss.

Operational Risk Management

BCS consultants understand the risk assessment process and how to use it to identify, analyze, and evaluate risks to he organization in order to treat and communicate risk according to your organization's risk appetite.

Whether managing risks to your critical activities as part of your business continuity program or using an all-hazards approach, BCS consultants are competent in all types of risk assessment methodologies.

Enterprise Risk Management

Risk must be managed throughout the organization using a coordinated and "un-siloed" approach. Building a culture of risk management is essential.

BCS consultants have expertise in all aspects of managing risk in order to build a more resilient organization.

To be effective, risk needs to be managed at an enterprise level--strategically as well as tactically-- BCS consultants will lead your organization in implementation.

Risk Assessment-- ISO 31000

BCS consultants understand how to use the guidance provided by ISO 31000 to implement a risk assessment methodology that can be used consistently and effectively to assess all types of risk to your organization.

Managing Risk Throughout the Organization